Jeff Heusserer

Jeff Heusserer - VESPA/OFM Ambassador

“This OFM-based protocol was a game changer.

What are your top 3+ events/races/goals planned for 2023? 

  • 24 hour Cycling Cup in Austria – 2 races in July, 1 in September
  • Marco Baloh’s Brevet Week – 200,300,400,600 km in 1 week 

Past athletic accomplishments 

  • 3 Big LRM Brevets – Paris-Brest-Paris 1200, Mille Migla Italia 1600, & London-Edingburgh

What benefits do you get out of using VESPA? 

“Good legs” all the (long) time on the bike! No bonking! More intensity is possible still with fat for fuel, much less carbs than before, less calories needed overall.

Recovery is great! Even after only 3 hours of sleep in my multi-day events, you restart every new day as you felt on the first day! Simply great!

This OFM-based protocol was a game changer – without affecting my diabetes therapy concept “Keto & Sport”! No issues with Blood Sugar control. In fact, both my performance and carbohydrate tolerance levels have gone way up since starting with this protocol and I find it so easy and sustainable over the long term. This is what health & performance look like. 

How long have you been using VESPA? 

5 Years

How do you use/combine VESPA with other nutritional products?

I always have 2 bottles on my bike. The one is filled with water and electrolytes like S!Caps, LMNT or just simple salt. In the second bottle, I have a mix of Winforce Carbo Basic (10-30 grams per bottle depending on the profile of training or race). In the first bottle, there’s also 2 tablespoons of Liquid L-Carnitine (Nature’s Answer). During longer events I also use Tru-Niagen Water Soluble Stick Paks. This all helps to keep fat metabolism and blood flow high!

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Graham Thompson

Age: 48
Husband & Father of 3
Clinician Scientist, Pediatric Emergency Medicine